Factory Automation vs. Process Automation - Which is More Crucial to Manufacturing?

June 30, 2021

Automation has been revolutionizing manufacturing for the past few decades. With the advent of new technologies and the availability of data, factory owners have been able to streamline their operations and minimize errors while maximizing profit. In this blog post, we'll compare factory automation and process automation, two types of industrial automation that are often used interchangeably. However, we'll find out which is more crucial to manufacturing without taking any sides.

What is Factory Automation?

Factory automation refers to the use of robots and machines to improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes. This type of automation is commonly associated with assembly lines that produce high volumes of products. Factory automation is designed to be highly efficient, reduce waste, and cut costs. Automation in factories can start with simple tasks such as sorting or packaging and move up to more complex tasks such as painting and welding.

Some of the advantages of factory automation include:

  • High-speed production
  • Consistent quality output
  • Reduced labor costs
  • Increased production capacity
  • Minimized errors

What is Process Automation?

Process automation, on the other hand, is the automation of processes that take place upstream or downstream from the production line. This type of automation involves streamlining business and operational processes such as inventory management, order processing, and supply chain management. Process automation aims to optimize processes to be more efficient, faster, and more accurate.

Some of the benefits of process automation include:

  • Improved workflow efficiency
  • Elimination of manual errors
  • Reduced lead time
  • Improved quality control
  • Better compliance and auditability

Which is More Crucial to Manufacturing?

The answer to this question is - it depends. Both factory automation and process automation have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, and the most effective approach varies depending on the specific manufacturing scenario.

For example, if a factory produces a high volume of products that require little customization, factory automation would be more crucial. On the other hand, if a manufacturer produces a smaller volume of highly customized products, process automation would be more beneficial.

In some cases, a balance between both types of automation may be required to achieve optimal results. A combination of factory automation and process automation allows manufacturers to achieve maximum efficiency while also maintaining high levels of quality control and product customization.


In conclusion, both factory automation and process automation are important tools for manufacturers. Both have advantages that manufacturers can leverage to improve their production processes. Choosing the best approach depends on the specific manufacturing scenario. In some cases, a combination of both approaches may be necessary to achieve optimal results.

At Flare Compare, we help you find the right automation solution for your business. Visit our website for information on the best equipment and software solutions for your particular needs.


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